AlmostTI recognizes following ROM files (in upper or lower case): You should place your own ROM, preferably dumped from the calculator you own, onto your internal storage. Its the ideal tool for class presentations and for remote learning. Runs under Linux, Mac OS X, and Win32 (Windows 9X, Windows NT) Speed is kept as close as possible to the actual speed of the TI. Tracks the emulated CPU speed so it runs at the right speed even on the fastest processors. AlmostTI does not include any calculator ROMs on its own, as they are intellectual property of Texas Instruments. This emulator is a free online version of the NumWorks graphing calculator. Core emulator written in C for portability to multiple platforms. To run AlmostTI, you will need at least one calculator system ROM. AlmostTI also lets you save your calculations at any point and then select from several previously saved tasks. And yes, if you have got a tablet, it will become a really BIG TI calculator. It fully emulates TI-84+, TI-84+ Silver Edition, TI-83+, TI-83+ Silver Edition, TI-73, TI-83, TI-85, TI-86, TI-82, and TI-81 calculators made by Texas Instruments. AlmostTI turns your Android device into a Texas Instruments graphing calculator.